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Thank you Kelli!

“Kelli is literally my spirit animal 😂She GETS me, and she doesn’t even know me. She is truly one of the most authentic, raw, and honest humans I have ever listened to speak. I feel like I’m listening to myself, as I told her. She’s navigated one hell of a journey with her health; mind, body, and soul, and you’d be missing a part of filling your heart by not listening to all she has to offer ❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU KELLI!”

– lucykeller

lucy keller

If you grew up anything like me, you probably grew up a little afraid of bees – but what I’m learning now is that they’re actually extremely healing. They have so many beautiful properties that can allow your body to heal from things like Lyme Disease and brain fog. Carly Stein, who created Beekeeper’s Naturals, […]

046 | The Healing Power of Bees | with Carly Stein

Today’s guest is so wise beyond her years; you would never know she is just a senior at USC. When I met Victoria Garrick for the first time, I was blown away. This young woman is changing the world as we speak. She is a force, and she is not gonna go down without being […]

044 | Body Image and Mental Health In Female Athletes | with Victoria Garrick

The beauty of social media is that I get to follow so many inspiring women who have truly changed my life and the way I view health and wellness. The woman on today’s show, Bethany Ugarte, is known as “Lil Sipper” on Instagram, and has changed so many people’s lives. She almost died from IBS, […]

043 | Advocating For Your Own Health | with Bethany Ugarte

One of the things that can really deter us from eating clean is this crazy idea that we can’t have anything delicious – especially dessert! When I was still pretty new to the paleo lifestyle, and on my healing journey, I went on a search for something that would taste delicious, but I really didn’t […]

041 | Guilt Free Desserts (And A Better Life) | with Lee Selman + Nik Hawks

Western medicine failed me. It has also failed so many people I know. The more that I learn about the problems with conventional medicine, the more grateful I am for my incredible functional medicine doctor, Dr. Lekkos. In this episode with the man who saved my life, we discuss how functional medicine is different; my […]

040 | Lifesaving Medicine | with Dr. Lekkos

I’m just gonna say this: my liver hates me. I have MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), which means I don’t detox well, so my liver gets bogged down with supplements, toxins, alcohol, and all the other things. My brother (hey Steven!) is always on the lookout for new products and people that will help me along my […]

039 | Making Algae Sexy | with Catharine Arnston

While I was on leave from work before officially quitting my job this spring, I was reading books, trying to stay connected and be inspired. I read Disrupters by Dr. Patti Fletcher, and I couldn’t put it down. Patti’s ability to explain what women must do to rise to the top is emotional, eye-opening, and […]

038 | Disrupting Women’s Status Quo | with Dr. Patti Fletcher

Back in the day, tribes and villages of women raised children together; nothing was done alone. But as time has gone on, we’ve lost this beautiful practice. We’re in a society where we’re expected to have children and families and careers, and to do so independently, perfectly, and Instagram-worthy at all times. When I found […]

035 | Gathering In Sacred Circle | with Paula Mallis

I’m always so excited when I get to meet new friends. Liza Killian, who was on the show a few weeks ago (episode #26, in case you missed it), told me about Anjali Bhargava when we were getting coffee in LA. She kept going on and on about the best turmeric mix she’s ever had […]

034 | Ayurved-ish | with Anjali Bhargava

Today’s episode is with my friend Paige Killian, who started out as the babymomma to my friend Donny, and has turned into family. Her kids are all over my Instagram, and I was anointed “Auntie Kelli” eight years ago and have not looked back. Paige has seen me through many breakups, made sure I had […]

033 | Healing Through Organization | with Paige Killian

I love tall ladies – mostly because I can finally talk to someone who doesn’t ask me, “how’s the weather up there?” Or, “how tall are you?” (PSA, people: don’t do this.) Tall women, tall clothes – what a concept, right? You would think it’s more mainstream than is, but it’s not. So, luckily, I […]

032 | A Tall Girl’s Guide to Fashion, Motherhood, and Life | with Robin Harris