049 | True Beauty | with Danika Brysha

I’ve been following today’s guest for quite a while now, and I’ve been so impressed with everything that she has created with her company, Model Meals, the body positive conversations she’s having online, her focus on self care and teaching other women how to take care of themselves, and her Brunch Series, which was massively successful throughout the year.

Danika Brysha is a remarkable woman who is really changing the game for so many of us by being honest, raw, and vulnerable – at a time when it is needed more than ever. She lifts other women up, and is constantly a cheerleader for people to take care of themselves through their health, spirituality, wellness, and self-talk.  

I’m so excited for you to hear this conversation today.

Today on The Platform…

  • Danika’s experience going from a six-figure salary to nothing overnight – and how that experience influenced her to launch Model Meals

  • How to clear out brain fog and elevate your mental capacity

  • Sobriety’s role in Danika’s health journey

  • Allowing yourself grace after making health mistakes

  • Removing the glorification of “busy”

  • How the modeling industry gave Danika the gift of self love and body positivity

  • Danika’s self care style: pre-charge instead of recharge

  • Staying sane as an introvert whose work requires social interaction
