059 | Opening Up | with Kelli Tennant

Hey everyone.

So … I have been putting this off for three months, to be totally honest. I have wanted to do a solo episode for you, to update you on what’s going on with my health, my life, my work, my show, what I’m doing on a daily basis, how I’m feeling, what I’m loving, and answering your questions.

I now see just how profound this community is that we are building, and we are still new but we are strong and we are doing beautiful things together.

I decided it was finally time to sit here and have a chat – just with you.

So let’s do this.

 the platform podcast with kelli tennant; kristen hinman, public relations, pr company, marketing, social media marketing, google adwords, advertisement, small business owner, Kristen Hinman is the CEO of Peare Media, a caring mother, and an active champion of ayurvedic health. After over eight years in the PR Industry, Kristen experienced first-hand what it takes to move a personality or brand from unknown to known, and she discovered her superpower: getting people’s unique stories out of them, and then telling those stories in a way that resonates with others.

Today on The Platform…

  • Updates on Kelli’s health journey with the help of functional medicine

  • The life changing effects of Ozone therapy

  • Kelli’s magic mornings

  • Why you should delete social media apps from your phone

  • Kelli answers listeners’ most-asked questions

  • How to ask for help when you need it
