071 | Sicker Fatter Poorer | with Dr. Leonardo Trasande

Today’s guest is Dr. Leonardo Trasande, and he is an internationally renowned leader in children’s environmental health, and an associate professor at NYU. He is also the author of my new favorite book, Sicker Fatter Poorer.

I have been dying to share this episode with you! In his amazing book, Dr. Trasande clearly walks through how we are exposed to chemicals everyday: in our food, products, and environment. In this episode, we talk through the book step-by-step, eliminating the effects of the chemicals we are exposed to, how chemical exposure can alter our DNA, and so much more. This is one episode you don’t want to miss!

 the platform podcast with kelli tennant; kristen hinman, public relations, pr company, marketing, social media marketing, google adwords, advertisement, small business owner, Kristen Hinman is the CEO of Peare Media, a caring mother, and an active champion of ayurvedic health. After over eight years in the PR Industry, Kristen experienced first-hand what it takes to move a personality or brand from unknown to known, and she discovered her superpower: getting people’s unique stories out of them, and then telling those stories in a way that resonates with others.

Today on The Platform…

  • The correlation of chemicals and ADHD and other disorders

  • The buildup of toxins overtime + how we’ve grown numb to it all

  • How we got to this point

  • The bottom line and the dialogue with big companies

  • How behind the US is on banning chemicals

  • The exposure line from mother to child

  • What loopholes to look out for

  • How to not get overwhelmed with all of this information

  • How Dr. Trasande feels about vaccines

